Sunday, 30 April 2017

Welcome back to term 2!

Welcome back to term 2.  We hope you have had a great break and didn't eat too much chocolate over Easter. I went to Napier for Easter and had fun catching up with friends and family.
What was the highlight of your break?

Tuesday, 11 April 2017


Yesterday Charlie's Dad and Grandmother came to visit.  They are both from France!  We were very lucky to learn many different things about France and we even got to eat some food that was first made in France.  The French lollies were so yummy.

What did you learn yesterday?

Monday, 10 April 2017


Easter is this weekend.  What do you love the most about Easter?

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Water, water everywhere!

Yesterday we were investigating all the rain, the puddles and the drains.  There is a pool in our garden and there was a lot of water flowing down the footpath.
What did you learn about the drains and where the water goes when it rains?

Monday, 3 April 2017

Weather forecast

The weather forecast is for rain all week.  What do you know about rain and water when there is too much rain?